The Magic of Celebrating Illusion by Robert Neale and Larry Hass – Book


21 in stock

The Magic of Celebrating Illusion by Robert E. Neale

In this first installment of his long-awaited Trilogy of Magic, Robert E. Neale uncovers the profound extent to which human experience is informed by our illusions . . . and the essential role magicians play in teaching us how to celebrate it! The book also includes twenty-one of Bob Neale’s latest, highly innovative magic routines performed with simple props such as playing cards, bills, rope, and paper. Each one comes with a fully developed presentation.

What Leading Magicians Say:

With [this book’s] publication, Robert Neale…has given us a book full of ways and means by which we can see past our self-imposed illusions in order to more clearly see the real magic which exists in the world…. Long live Bob Neale!
Michael Weber

Bob Neale is a wonder. He is a softhearted human being and a hardheaded philosopher of magic and life…. His insights stretch your mind and make you shake your head with awe, wonder, and respect.
Barrie Richardson

Bob Neale has a rare ability to create magic with an intellectual whimsy. The result is simultaneously provocative, profound, and just plain fun. I am a fan…
Max Maven

Reading Bob Neale’s work is always an adventure. He tugs and pushes us beyond what we think we know and then suddenly rearranges things in a completely unexpected way.
Eugene Burger

Bob Neale is my hero. It astonishes me how he can transform even some of the darkest situations of the human condition into light, humor, and inspiration.
Jeff McBride

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Weight 1.245 kg


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